How to bake with Spelt flour

Spelt flour or known as Dinkel in many European countries is an ancient grain that hasn’t been modified or manipulated like wheat. It has a mild nutty flavour, higher in protein than white flour. Spelt flour is easy to digest and the biggest benefit I found is that it is kind to your gut. It is a gluten flour, not suitable for coeliac, but perfect if like me you are wheat intolerant.
I started baking been baking cakes, slices, pancakes and cookies with spelt flour for over ten years. I started experimenting with bread about five years ago.
I always buy two types of Spelt flour wholegrain or wholewheat and white spelt flour. I liken the white spelt flour to all-purpose or plain flour as it is known in Australia and the UK. The grain has been sifted out and refined. It is easily disguised in recipes that your family and friends won't be able to notice you have baked with spelt flour. It does have less fibre than wholegrain or wholewheat spelt flour.
When I use white spelt flour I mostly swap out my old recipes 1:1 and it usually works out most times. For example, if you have a favourite chocolate cake using 250g of plain flour/ all-purpose flour swap out for 250g of white spelt flour. If I want to bake butter cookies or brownies or fluffy bread rolls I revert to using white spelt flour.
Top 3 White Spelt Flour Recipes

Top 3 Wholegrain Spelt Flour Recipes
Using wholegrain spelt flour is not always suitable for some recipes. I know what I can get away with using wholegrain spelt flour in healthier muffins, carrot cake, banana bread and some bread recipes. Baking bread with wholegrain spelt flour is a little trickier. The moisture content is hard to achieve a fluffy loaf, and the texture is dense. I will often add olive oil to my bread to assist with the moisture in the dough and water to the oven for steam.

I am always experimenting and testing new recipes. Please email me with any questions about baking with spelt flour, or requests for what you would like to see.