
I will share my favourite essentials items that I love using in my kitchen. I will start with the must-have baking tools that I believe everyone that loves baking or just getting started should have. Over time I will add to this list to include cooking tools, pantry items and fridge/freezer must-haves.

6 Tips for Baking to Relax and Unwind

Baking can be a wonderful form of self-care — a creative, mindful activity that helps ease stress and brings a sense of calm. Here are six simple tips to help you turn baking into a soothing ritual:

Candida Diet Foods: What to Eat for Better Gut Health and Yeast Balance

Looking to improve your gut health and manage candida overgrowth? Discover the best foods to include on a candida diet to restore balance, reduce yeast, and support digestion.

Moist Spelt Zucchini Muffins

A delicious spelt muffin recipe that stays soft and moist for days. Made with spelt flour, spices and freshly grated zucchini is delicious. Then with bonus tips on making the perfect domed shape muffin top, like you see in cafes.

Gluten-free Flour Blend: 4 Ingredients

This blend is good to swap 1:1 for wheat flour recipes eg banana bread, carrot cake or muffins, pancakes, crumble topping and cookies.

Light buckwheat flour vs dark

Light buckwheat flour is processed so the hull is removed and the dark or black buckwheat flour is unhulled.

Will Teff Be the New Superfood?

Teff is a love grass Eragrotis Teff that is grown for its seeds cooked whole or used as flour. I have bought a gröt gryn (like porridge grit) or used it as flour here in Sweden. The flour usually comes in two colours a redish brown or white.

Homemade Gluten-free Flour Blend: 3 Ingredients

An easy homemade gluten-free flour blend using supermarket-bought flours, that are readily available. There are only three ingredients in this blend. Rice flour, potato flour and cornflour.

How To Prepare to Move House

It's almost time to move house again, I have counted up and this might be around my 23rd house move. I know that's a lot of moving. I have moved countries twice from Australia to the UK and then to Sweden last year. In my 20's I rented a lot and for various reasons, I moved every year or so.

What is Teff?

Teff is a super tiny grain from Ethiopia and is known for making injera. What is injera? Injera, a flatbread with a spongy texture made with teff flour, an ancient gluten-free grain, is usually served underneath savoury Ethiopian dishes.

What is Sorghum Flour?

Yes, it is an excellent substitute for wheat flour. But do not substitute recipes 1:1 you will need to blend it with another flour for structure. It is perfect for anyone that can't tolerate wheat flour and those avoiding wheat due to celiac disease.