
Swedish Flatbread Made in a Traditional wood oven

This month I spent a day baking all day long in the “baking house” or Bagarstuga in Tjörn, Sweden. It has a traditional wood fired oven that we used for baking both flatbread and crispbread known as knäckebröd. It tastes so delicious.

Gluten-free Fermented Dosa Crepes & Tomato Chutney

A dosa batter is a thin crepe-like batter that turns crisp, chewy, and light on the frying pan, with a sourdough-like tang due to the overnight fermentation.

Will Teff Be the New Superfood?

Teff is a love grass Eragrotis Teff that is grown for its seeds cooked whole or used as flour. I have bought a gröt gryn (like porridge grit) or used it as flour here in Sweden. The flour usually comes in two colours a redish brown or white.

How To Prepare to Move House

It's almost time to move house again, I have counted up and this might be around my 23rd house move. I know that's a lot of moving. I have moved countries twice from Australia to the UK and then to Sweden last year. In my 20's I rented a lot and for various reasons, I moved every year or so.

How to Make Treviso Tiramisù: alcohol-free

You must use Italian-style lady finger biscuits called Savoiardi, chilled espresso coffee and serve with a dusting of cocoa powder, that's it. No expensive liquor. No brewed coffee, no grated chocolate and definitely no added cream.

Happy Kanelbullens Dag 4 Oct

Every year on October 4th the Swedes celebrate Cinnamon Bun Day. Bakeries, cafes, restaurants, and convenience stores across the country sell cinnamon-spiced Swedish buns.

Swedish Midsummer Strawberry Cupcakes with Spelt

My little mini Swedish Midsummer Strawberry cakes are perfect to share with friends and family. Here in Sweden, this Friday is a holiday as everyone celebrates midsummer.

My Favourite cafes, restaurants and places in Linné, Gothenburg, Sweden

We have been visiting Gothenburg, Sweden since 2018. On our

Our Favourite Gelateria in Florence Italy

We are missing travelling this year, and one of our

Gothenburg Highlights

After many trips to Gothenburg, Sweden I thought I would share some of my favourite coffee and eating places.