Kitchen Love June

We are welcoming summer on this side on the world. A warm and sunny 26 degrees here which is maybe slightly too hot for baking bread. I have recently been exploring a traditional local bread called Hönökaka which is a quick- baked Swedish flatbread. I have created my recipe using spelt flour so it is also wheat-free and I made my version with water and oil so it is also lactose-free and vegan.
What is Hönökaka?
This is a popular flat bread sold here in Gothenburg, Sweden. Usually made with wheat flour, it is soft and pricked on top. The bread is name after the island town Hönö in Gothenburg's northern archipelago, and was originally baked by the people living on these islands. The bread is baked round and flat. Hönökaka translates to chicken bread. Maybe because the holes on top look like a chicken has walked on it. I will investigate and find out.

Swedish Flatbread Hönökaka with spelt flour
Here are a few new healthy recipes I have been eating the last few weeks.
Let me know if you would like the recipe for any of the above!

Happy June
Sue ❤️