Kitchen Love October 2022

The sun is slow to rise, and the days are getting shorter. I discovered this beautiful street art in Gothenburg above.

With the cooler season approaching in the Northern hemisphere, I have been craving healthy comfort food like nutritious stews and soups. I have created some new savoury meal ideas that I will continue to share.

I have been busy pre-recording and editing videos for YouTube as we are heading down under for a family wedding next month and I will be away from my kitchen in Sweden. Yes, this will be our first visit back to Australia since Covid. Yes, it's a long flight of 24 hours. There will be lots of time for movies and books to keep me occupied.

If I get inspired, I may try to video and photograph some interesting things we stumbled across.

What's New?

We love pizza in our house. I have been experimenting with some new pizza toppings, hopefully, I will be able to perfect and share them with you over the next few months.

I have been developing a sourdough starter to use in my spelt bread and pizza dough. Instead of throwing out, the discarded started I have been making pancakes. See my recipe link below the video will be out soon. Members will get a peak at the recipe now.

If you know me I am always hungry and need food fast. I have now started documenting the quick meals I create and am sharing them with you. Most will be vegetarian as we now eat more plant-based at home, but feel free to add meat if you'd prefer. See two new ideas below.

Discarded Spelt Sourdough Starter Pancakes

Discarded Spelt Sourdough Starter Pancakes
Instead of throwing out the discarded sourdough starter keep it aside in the fridge and make pancakes.

10-minute meal ideas

One-Pot Chickpea Satay: 10-minute meal
I am always looking for quick ideas for a curry sauce. We love eating vegetarian curries and pumpkins are a very versatile vegetable to add to the curry. This one-pot recipe has a Malaysian feel to it using a quick satay sauce that is ready in 10 minutes.
Vegetarian Fried Rice; no egg: 10-minute meal
This a quick meal idea to whip up in 10 minutes. and a perfect way to use up any leftover rice.

Healthier Banana Bread with buckwheat Flour

Healthy Banana Bread with Buckwheat Flour; no eggs, no dairy
This buckwheat banana bread is also vegan and healthier as the recipe has no eggs, no dairy and no refined sugar. This banana bread recipe is made with date syrup but you could swap it out for your preferred alternative sweetener. Easier to prepare and bakes in 35 minutes.

Hejdå till nästa månad (Swedish)
Goodbye until next month.

Glad bakning (Swedish)
Happy baking

❤️ Sue